Proud mom of a heart warrior

Someone very close to me asked me not to post about my baby's heart condition because people will think I want their pity. 

I just wanted to say that it is for the exact opposite reason I post about it.  When we found out about his heart condition at 28 weeks the Doctor suggested termination, but our hearts said absolutely no way!

I feel so very blessed to have this little angel in my belly and now in my arms.  Yes,  he has gone through what most of us might never go through in their whole lifetime, but I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.  I am a proud mommy not for my self but for this amazingly strong, beautiful, happy and very brave boy! 

Every hour, minute and second spent with him is extremely precious to us and I want to share this with my Instagram friends because I feel so lucky :)  We celebrate today and every day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the proud mommies out there!

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